Sustainable Hotel Art

As we collectively hear the term “sustainable” more and more, we investigate the term’s origin, explore its definition, and share how Curate Art Group offers sustainable artwork and practices.

Background & Definition of Sustainability


In the 1980s, the United Nations asked former Norwegian prime minister Gro Harmlem Brundtland to oversee the new World Commission on Environment and Development. After decades of using industrialization in hopes of bettering living standards, many countries still faced poverty. The results showed that boosting business without prioritizing the environment and social equity, did not provide long-lasting success.


Brundtland and his commission shared their final report, Our Common Future. Sustainable development is defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Three Pillars of Sustainability

Sustainability is a holistic approach that considers environmental, social, and economic dimensions, recognizing that all must be considered together to find lasting prosperity.

Curate Art Group’s Sustainable Artwork

At Curate Art Group, art is not only beautiful at a great price, but also good for the environment and for local communities. Curate Art Group uses sustainable materials, engages local communities, offers competitive prices, plants 1-20 trees per project, and offsets carbon emissions as a company!

Framed Artwork

After researching the many moulding offerings, Curate Art Group identified the top select manufacturers for sustainable partnership on projects.


  • Recyclable and biodegradable.

  • Hardwood frames come from companies that are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified, along with plantation-grown trees.

  • Composite frames are made from pre- and post-consumer recycled materials that would be otherwise wasted. 


  • Recyclable. 


  • Made from recycled materials and recyclable. 

Mounting Boards

  • Come from recycled materials. Recyclable and biodegradable.

Canvas and Paper

  • Recyclable and biodegradable.

Sculptural Artwork

There are limitless art mediums based on the aesthetic and natural location. Below are a few examples that are easily renewable.

Feathers and Natural Materials

Wool and Fiber Art

Books and Recycled Paper


Sustainable Society

Curate Art Group believes in diversity, and is committed to showing diverse backgrounds of artists in every art package. 

Curate Art Group sources artwork from local communities including local Bahamian weavers for a Rosewood Hotel.

Planting Trees & Carbon Offsets

Since the beginning of 2020, Curate Art Group partners with OneTreePlanted to plant at least 1 tree per project, and up to 20 trees per larger project. Curate Art Group also partners with terrapass to offset all carbon emissions used in transportation and electricity. Not only are they carbon-neutral, but strive to be carbon-negative.

Final Thoughts

Looking to the Future

Technology is rapidly changing, and we monitor the landscape of compostable, 3D-printed objects as art and frames. While the concept is still in its infancy and not yet durable enough for commercial spaces, in the near future, this will become more and more viable.

Work with Curate Art Group

Contact us at with your unique project needs, and we will happily create you a custom, sustainable art package! 


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